Tuesday, 20 October 2009

ClickBank Affiliate Program

ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace. Thousands of digital products are sold there every day by those who join the ClickBank Affiliate Program - either as Publishers or Affiliates. Now, don't panic if you don't know what this means! I am going to tell you - in very simple, easy to understand terms - all about the ClickBank program basics...

The first thing you need to know is the actual difference between Publishers and Affiliates:

• Publisher - you upload a product to the ClickBank Marketplace. You pay those who choose to promote your product a commission on every sale they make. If you are a beginner and want to get off to a good start and entice a lot of affiliates to market your product - offer offer them a high commission. You can offer affiliates commission of up to 75%. It may seem like this is a high % of the sale to give away - but remember how skilled these experienced affiliate marketers are. They will bring you sales you would never have gotten without their help.

• Affiliate- you choose a product which is suited to your niche and promote it in return for a commission on every sale generated.

Now, there is something you need to be aware of. These days it is almost impossible to sell a product to a one-off visitor to your website. No matter how much traffic you manage to drive to your website - people are seldom willing to buy a product "cold".

So, before you decide to become an affiliate, the first thing you need to do is to spend a few months building a list of subscribers and developing a good relationship with them. To learn more about how to do this simply grab a copy of my popular free eBook => SKILL-BUILDER => http://www.elaines-skillbuilder.com

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